My Philosophy

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We are sculpted and shaped by our experiences into the beautiful, complicated, messy and sexy humans we are. I bring an attitude of love, compassion, and openness to my work that allows people to feel seen and appreciated as they are. I work with a great diversity of clients and am inclusive of all sexual orientations, gender identities, and types of relationships.

For many this work is the first time they have been given the space to explore who they are, what they want and how they can achieve it. Nothing brings me more joy than providing that space. I commit to each session as a fully present, authentic, and real human, which allows my clients to do the same.

It is my fervent belief that every one of us has the capacity for immense joy, fun, and creativity in the bedroom, and that sex and our sexual expression need not be static. They can be constantly evolving sources of pleasure and fulfillment.